Monday, February 23, 2015

Ahavah Writings Update

Greetings Everyone, 

I hope this update finds you in the midst of a great and joyful day. I know it has been for me so far. 


On Valentines day we announced that our first book 'Ahavah' Writings for the Journey (AW4TJ) was coming along great and that we were hopefully only a few months away from publishing. Well, I am very excited to announce that while the books isn't ready for publishing just yet we have entered into the final stages of the editing process. 

This weekend God granted Traci and I the time we needed to finish the changes from the second edit of the book and we sent it in for approval from our self publishing company and they approved it. PRAISE JESUS!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!

We have ordered our final proofing copies and have sent digital copies to our final editors. These four individuals will be focusing their energy on the Theological/Spiritual Aspects, Grammatical/Layout Aspects, Reader Friendly/Devotional Aspect and of course the Content Aspect of the book (along with the writing of the forward). 

While this is a bit scary for me (since  my heart and soul have been pour out onto the pages it's pages) I am very excited about the progress we have been able to make these last few weeks. I have been working on a lot of the behind the scenes stuff (Legal/ Marketing Aspects) as well. Even though I am very eager to get AW4TJ out there, I am patiently waiting for God's perfect timing. 

My prayer continues to be that God will be able to use the content of AW4TJ to encourage those that read it. For me writing a book has never been about the money or the possible fame, it has always been about giving back and glorifying God with all that I am and I truly feel that I've done my best to honor God with each page that was written.

Even though I have read the pages of AW4TJ several times, I still feel encouraged when I read it's pages. Sometimes, I even get a bit teary eyed when something I've read reminds me that "WOW!!!, God had to be a part of this because on my own I couldn't have wrote this." 

More to come...

Blessings to you all, 


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